Maths Tutoring School

Guiding students of all ages and abilities toward achieving their goals and improving their understanding of mathematics.

Image of brain thinking of math concepts and problems

Maths Tutoring School

Guiding students of all ages and abilities toward achieving their goals and improving their understanding of mathematics.

Professional, Private
Maths Tutor

The curriculum has changed, and now more than ever it is imperative that students do not fall behind with their studies. It is important that students have a clear understanding of maths, as it provides a link with a range of topics and could significantly impact their results.

When selecting a tutor it is important that each student feels comfortable, and that they are understood – one size doesn’t fit all, and this is true even in education. I created Maths Tutoring School to help students, no matter their age or abilities.

Math tutor teaching student
Paint brush

A Tailored
Learning Journey

Each session is entirely bespoke to the student, and is developed based on their current understanding and where they need to be within their learning journey.


Thousands of Hours of Teaching Experience

With over 8,000 teaching hours, I help my students on the road to success all whilst helping them to gain confidence in their abilities.

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A Path
to Success

Since starting Maths Tutoring School in 2014, I have helped many students achieve more than they expected and exceed their predicted grades.

What My Students Say

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Evangelos has been an amazing tutor to our children. They say he's the best teacher ever - he explains things well, is very patient and has a huge knowledge about curriculum requirements for each year group and GCSE exams. I would recommend Evangelos to anyone looking for a teacher to help children understand maths better and get prepared for the exams. Thank you, Evangelos

Have a Question?

If you have any questions, or would like to know more about how I could help you to achieve your goals, please get in touch.

Woman being curious and questioning about something